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in the world of artinya

contoh kalimat "in the world of"
  • What of life in the world of Tony Baekeland?
    Apa hidup di dunia dari Baekeland Tony?
  • But in the world of crime, there's always coincidence.
    Tapi di dunia kejahatan, selalu ada kebetulan.
  • Carpenter is a legend in the world of assassins.
    carpEntEr adalah legenda di dunia pembunuh bayaran.
  • God Almighty in the world of Ahmet Yeter
    Tuhan Yang Maha Esa di dunia Ahmet Yeter
  • Although it's called agriculture in the world of food.
    Meskipun disebut pertanian, di dunia makanan.
  • In the world of food we call it cooking.
    Di dunia makanan kita menamakannya memasak.
  • They're the best in the world of arm wrestling.
    Mereka atlet panco terhebat di dunia.
  • Mysterious things go on in the world of witches.
    Hal Misterius pergi di dunia penyihir.
  • In the world of kung fu, speed defines the winner.
    Dalam dunia kung fu, kepantasan menentukan pemenang.
  • But I'm neck deep in the world of crime.
    Tapi saya sudah jauh masuk kedalam dunia kejahatan.
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